Thursday, March 22, 2012


I want to share some photos that my friend Roy Bozarth has taken. They are just beautiful.
Roy is a big supporter of animal rights, especially horses, his love for them really show in his photos.
My friend Roy is a calm easy going person and I think the animals sense that.
I also love his landscapes, sunsets,  ocean.....well actually...I love all his photos that's why I want to share them with you.
Proud parents! I love how Roy has captured the love!

Look at the colors!!! Just gorgeous dont you agree?!!!!!

My blog title pretty much says what I feel when I look at these photos!

To see more of  Roy's Photos and to get more information you can click on this site

He also has a facebook page with more photos!!/profile.php?id=1576915695&sk=wall

I hope you enjoyed these photos as much as I have.
until next time......................

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